Monday, June 9, 2008

Lots of Questions


Scott Bliss said...

Both of those dudes are going to be ushers in my wedding

buskerbysshe said...

That makes me very sad.

MattS said...

1. Why yellow?
2. What are those scars on the arm? (top one clearly a cigarette burn, bottom one - cigar burn? phaser blast?
3. Could the vodka be any cheaper?
4. Who drinks vodka out of a beer cup?
5. What's on TV behind them?

iHateWheat said...

Some answers... (I'm on the left)
1. Why not?
2. Those are all burns from heated knife blades, not cigarettes or cigars.
3. No.
4. Freshmen.
5. I don't remember. Clearly nothing important.

Scott Bliss said...

I took the picture.

1. The guy with the scars (Joey) took his oldest shirt out of his drawer, which happened to be yellow, cut the sleeve off, and made him self a little do-rag.
2. The burns are from a Huntsman Swiss Army knife, which has a 3-inch saw blade. Three weeks prior to this picture being taken, Joey was drunk and held a lighter to a few of the jackknife's accessories and branded himself.
3. I challenge anyone to find me a vodka that costs less per ounce than a handle of Aristocrat.
4. What can I say? We were freshman. If it wasn't a beer cup, it would've been something else we had laying around the room -- potentially a coffee mug or a Nalgene bottle?
5. Whatever is on very very very late at night.

MattS said...

Lots of Questions continued:
Joey is awesome.
Where is he now? US Senator? Rehab?

Scott Bliss said...

Yes -- Joey is definitely awesome. He works for the Treasury Department in DC.